Thursday, April 18, 2013

MTC Week 4

Well it's week 4 in the MTC! Two more weeks and I'll be in Italia!!!!! I am sooo excited!!! And slightly terrified. It seems like I still have so much to learn- especially with the language. We make insane language mistakes all the time, and I never know what tense to use, or even which tense will come out of my mouth. We've told our investigators just about everything, from having lunch with God before we were born, to "will you please pray on your gnocchi" instead of knees. But the language is coming and I know that we are aided so much by the Spirit. There is no way I would be able to say half the things I do without the help of God.
Elder Richard G. Scott came to the MTC for the Tuesday devotional! It was the first time we didn't make it into the large assembly room, so we ended up in an overflow room- which was kindof a bummer. But it didn't matter, because the spirit there was soo strong. As soon as Elder Scott started speaking, the room simply filled with his love and God's love. He spoke about prayer, and really taking the time to speak with our Heavenly Father daily. But he also emphasized that with God's help we would be able to use this mission as a foundation for the rest of our lives and that we would master the language. He ended with a beautiful apastolic blessing and then sat down. But after the closing hymn, he raced back up the the stand for a few final remarks. He testified that God has called us to specific missions to succeed. He said that we would grow in ways we never thought possible. Then he closed with a powerful testimony of the Savior.
After the devotional, we had a combined district meeting with the Romanian district in our zone. (I think I've told you about them before.) There was not a dry eye in the room, and the spirit was powerful. I felt God's love for each of us overpoweringly. It was the best evening I've had in the MTC.
I know this letter is short this week, but know that I'm thinking of you and pray for you daily. Thanks for all the letters!
Next week will be my last letter from the MTC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful week.
For everyone attending BYU- Good luck with finals! (I think they're this week)
Grandma and Grandpa Okeson- sorry I haven't responded yet, but I'm working on it! You'll get a letter soon.
Tell Debbie hello from me. It sounds like you had a wonderful day and dinner with her!
I love you!!
Sorella Pace

Ciao Family! I'm almost done here at the MTC!!!! CRAZY!!!!
Here's the pictures for this week.

Me with Hermana Smith. I run into her all the time. She's now in Boston until her visa gets through and she can head to Argentina.

We were new missionary hosts yesterday!!! It was so much fun!!!

Here we are with our beautiful door decorations.

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