Saturday, April 27, 2013

Last Week in the MTC!

Dear Family! 

Next week I'll be in Italia!! I'm so so sooo excited! I have loved the MTC so much, but I'm glad that I soon with be doing something besides sitting behind a desk all day. I'm ready to stretch my legs- physically and spiritually.
Getting our travel plans last Friday was definitely a highlight for the week. We're going to be a large crazy group of 27 Italy missionaries from Salt Lake to Milan! It still hasn't really sunk in that we'll be leaving the MTC, but we've already started our departure activities. Sunday we had a departure district meeting with President Miller. We talked about flying out and then he gave us pass along cards to take with us to the airports. Tomorrow is an 8 hour long departure orientation. It's long, but someone told us that it was the "Disneyland of the MTC." We're not sure what she meant by that. 
The hardest thing about leaving the MTC is leaving all the wonderful people here. We had our final lesson with Francesco on Tuesday and our final lesson with Raymond tonight. We're not entirely sure what to tell him yet, but we've been praying about what he needs to hear the most.
In TRC on Monday, our member was a lady from Italy!!! So we of course asked her lots of questions about Italy and her conversion. It  was wonderful and we learned some really good advice.  Sorelle Baer and Ervin had an Italian named Francesca as their investigator. It turns out that Francesca is the person that Fratello Weller based our investigator Francesco after. So we were able to meet her!!! It was so much fun! But I think we scared her when we started telling her everything we knew about her life. haha. She was so sweet and kind. I'm glad we were able to meet her.
The language is coming. Yesterday I was sharing a spiritual thought in Italian and couldn't remember the word for better. The Italian word for better is "meglio" and the word for wife is "moglie." Guess which one I said about ten times in a row? And the embarassing thing is that my teacher would correct me every single time and I still couldn't get it right. 
I love hearing from all of you.
Good luck to everyone doing the triathalon! You'll be amazing!
And congrats to Julie on her PR! I'm so proud of you!!
Mom- I got the oils. Thank you so much! Keep me updated about having the sister missionaries live with you. That would be amazing!! Also, not that you're no longer the Stake Primary Pres, you can be the chorister :)
Vi voglio bene!
Sorella Pace

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