Thursday, April 11, 2013

MTC Week 3

Well I'm halfway done with the MTC. Crazy!!!! Three more weeks and I'll be in Italy!!!!!!!!!!
This week has been simply amazing- especially with conference. Wow! All the talks were so good. But honestly, one of my favorite parts was when I was sitting in a big room full of missionaries and they announced the numbers of missionaries serving world wide. Also, during one of the talks during the first session they showed a picture of the Rome Temple! It was beautiful! I can't wait to someday see it for real, even though that probably won't happen during my mission, I will see it someday. I have a few confessions about conference. First, the chairs in the MTC are killer! The ones in the classroom are fine, but the seats in the big conference rooms and especially in the gym kill your back like nobodies business! I don't think my back has ever hurt quite as much as after 5 sessions of just sitting (we also watched the YW conference Saturday night) and with no gym time to stretch out or move. I was dying, and seriously missing the spring bikerides we always had at home. Second, I may have fallen asleep for a few minutes during the Saturday afternoon session. And then I started snoring. Whoops!!! That was certainly embarassing! Luckily dear Sorella Bollwinkel quickly woke me up. I have one final word about conference- exactly six months before I made the decision to go on a mission. And here I am today! It's so neat to look back and see the journey I've made.
The best news of the week is- Baby Bollwinkel is born!!!!!!!!!!! As of yesterday, my wonderful comp. has a new baby sister named Dallyn! That brings the count up to 10 children in the Bollwinkel family. And we just saw some pictures of her- adorable! I can't imagine not seeing my sister for the first 18 months of her life. S. Bollwinkel is my hero.
I think I've told you about our two investigators Raymond and Francesco. Yesterday we were teaching Raymond a lesson and I felt prompted to ask him to be baptized, so I tried to ask him. But I really REALLY struggled with the Italian and couldn't figure out how to say it. I think I ended up saying something to the effect of "we want you to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized" but I couldn't think of how to make that a question so I just put some inflection at the end to try to make it sound something like a question. He look really confused and then said "Si." We were excited! But then that night I was writting in my journal and suddenly realized that we may have already asked him to be baptized last week! Whoops! No wonder he was so confused (besides the fact that my sentance probably made no sense).
I've had some people ask me about the food at the MTC. And honestly, I was sick of it after three days. There is nothing I would love more right now than spending a night at home eating one of Mom's wonderful homemade dinners. I just am waiting till I get to Italy and eat some amazing pasta and be able to cook for myself.
Melanie- I forgot you were doing a triathalon! I know you'll do amazing. Also, I'm definitely not a swimmer anymore and you could probably beat me at a race right now.
Dad- I absolutely love reading about Sor. Pappi! Thanks for sharing from your mission journal with me- nothing inspires me more :)
Mom- I love, love, LOVED your letter!!! I was super excited to read every word. I'm so glad you had such a neat experience with Pathways- what a blessing. And good luck with the voles! Maybe you can get a cat :)
Also, everyone's descriptions of planting gardens sound amazingly fun and delicious right now!
I know this gospel is true with all my heart- my testimony grows each day. I can't wait to be able to share it in Italy.
I love you all, have a marvelous week!
Sorella Pace

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