Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Be Not Weary in Well Doing

Dear Family, 

Thanks for the soup recipies! I can't wait to try some out. 

So this week I discovered a scripture in D&C 64:33-34 ''Pertanto, non stancatevi di far bene, poiché state ponendo le fondamenta di una grande opera. E ciò che è grande procede da piccole cose. Ecco, il Signore richiede il cuore e una mente ben disposta; e coloro che sono ben disposti e obbediente mangeranno le buone cose della terra di Sion in questi ultimi giorni.'' Sorry I didn't feel like looking it up in English. But look it up, because it's a really good scripture. ''Be not weary in well-doing.'' I've been thinking about this scripture a lot the past couple of days and how I can better apply it to my work as a missionary. I love the knowledge that there is nothing better that I could be doing with my life right now than serving a mission. I'm in the work of 'well-doing' and I love it with all my heart. There are times when you meet someone on the street. They may not be interested in hearing about the gospel, but you're given a glimpse of the love that our Heavenly Father feels for that persone and it's an amazing moment. And then you're sitting on a park bench or on a staircase with an investigator or less active that you've been working with for months and they bear a powerful testimony of the gospel or the Book of Mormon and you feel God's love so strongly. It's amazing, it's a miracle each time. 

I love you all!!!!
Have a wonderful week!

Sorella Pace

So last week for p-day we went to Venice again!

Me and Sant Marco

Me and Sorella Pond

Me right where I have a picture with Melanie and Julie, only now its three years later and winter and I have a nametag.

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