Monday, December 9, 2013


Hello wonderful family, 

Thanks for all the letters from home. I love hearing everything- daily life, primary songs, missionary experiences, church talks, and crazy connections to Italy. Dad- Anziano Jensen is actually in my Zone. 

On Friday there was a strike, so the busses weren't running in the morning, meaning that we had to ride our bikes out to Cordenons for a member visit and lesson with an investigator. It wasn't going to be a big deal, but we woke up to rain. So we bundled up and headed out. We were pretty wet pretty fast, but I just turned my face down, let the water run off my helmet into my skirt and kept peddling uphill. I suddenly heard what might have been a faint, ''sorella!'' So I turned around to discover that Sorella Pond was nowhere in sight! I quickly headed back, around a curve in the road, and saw my companion climbing off her bike and examining the front tire. The breaks were hanging off the tire at a strange angle, and the metal covering over the tire was completely detached from the frame. The brakes were caught in the tires, so we couldn't even push the bike along. Luckily we were pretty close to the member's house, so we were able to half drag, half carry it along. By the time we arrived at the members, they took one look at us, plugged in a space heater by our feet, stuck some pizza in the microwave, and then the mother ran, grabbed a blowdryer and started combing  and drying my hair. Well, after about fifteen seconds of all of these appliances in use, the power suddenly went out and they couldn't figure out how to turn it back on, so we gave our lesson in the dark. Sonia just gave a little sigh and said, 'oh yes, I forget we're in Italy.' 

Everyone metioned the baptism challenges in their letters, so far we've gained a lot of potenial investigators for the anziani. One of them did come to church last week which was pretty awesome. 

I love you all and pray for you sempre. Have a wonderful week. Happy Thanksgiving next week! We have an FHE each week with the ANS (single adults) and this week we made gratitude turkeys by outlining our hands. It was pretty fun. 


Sorella Pace

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