Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back in Three

Dear Family,

This week we're back in three with Sorella Bringas! Which means I've
been speaking straight Italian for the past week. It's been one of
those trials chuck full of blessings. My italian is improving so much.
Sometimes my brain is fried and I can't think, understand, or speak by
the end of the day. But as the days pass, it becomes easier and I find
myself instictively using Italian. I think my grammer is still pretty
scary, but I'm starting to get some of the verb tenses down.

Our greatest miracle this week was with one of our simpatizzanti this
past Monday! He's the only simp. remaining from before we arrived in
Savona and we have a standing appointment with him for 'fhe' every
Monday night at the home of a member family. I think that in the two
months we've been here in Savona we've maybe missed only one Monday
with him. But in all that time, he has refused a baptism date. We have
talked about baptism ALOT. And he knows he needs to, and he even wants
to, but he won't accept a date. Two weeks ago, we had the whole heavy
metal music experience, but he still wouldn't accept a date. So we let
it sit for a week and then this Monday, we finally finished teaching
all of the commandments. We brought up baptism again and his answer
was the same as always. 'I want to get baptized, but I don't want a
date.' We were trying to figure out why, when suddenly the member
spoke up and bore a Powerful testimony. All three of us felt chills.
And then he finally said, 'Okay!' All the emphasis on member
missionary work is true. We can't do it without you. I love hearing
about every and all missionary experiences you're having at home.

Vi voglio tantissimo bene!

Sorella Pace

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