Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hello All

Hello All, 

It's been a great, if exhausting week. Transfers were on Thursday, so I traveled to Milano with Sorella Clawson to drop her off and pick up Sorella Killpack. It was so much fun to see all the sisters who were going home for one last time, if a little strange. They're the first of the big groups of sorelle to leave, so it was strange to say goodbye to several companions, past sister training leaders, and all the others who I've gotten to know so well in the past year and a half. There were train line problems, leaving us all stranded in Milano for a couple hours. So a large group of sorelle went to get lunch together, and we had a blast. 

This past half a week with Sorella Killpack has been amazing. She's a super hard worker, loving, and so much fun. We're going to have a crazy good transfer together, and we're already seeing lots of miracles. We had a long day of finding last week, and were feeling slightly discouraged. We had been doing strada, so we decided to go to a neighborhood and do some casa for a little. We parked the bikes, and then decided to say a Popp chart (a little 2 minute synopsis of a PMG principle). I finished mine, and we both turned to see a man walking down the road. We stopped him, and he said that he was baptized eleven years ago in Argentina. We had a long conversation with him. His family's going through a hard time, but he has two teenage girls who aren't baptized! So we're going to try to work with them. 

It's incredible to see how the Lord moves His work forward, one heart at a time. We're working with several less-actives who are making incredible progress in returning to church. It's such a blessing to work with them. 

Have a great week!!!!

Sorella Pace

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