Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Caro Famiglia,

Well, I keep on hearing about this missionary fireside, but I kind of haven't seen it and don't know what it was about, but it sounds like it was good! Sorella Hauck printed off an article from Deseret News about how missionaries were going to start using more technology such as Facebook soon, but it didn't give many details. Speaking of the Haucks, they had a family emergency and had to quickly end their mission and fly home last week. We were very sad to see them go, but understand that they're needed at home. We were able to have a wonderful last P-day with them where we visited Cinque Terre again for a little. The crazy thing is that Anziano Hauck had just been put in as Branch President and didn't even have counselors yet, so for now we're have a member of the Stake Presidency leading our branch. It's kind of crazy. 

On Sunday we had lunch with a member of the ward and she made us a fresh garden salad! I was very happy since Mom's letter from last week was all about the lettuce they're eating from the garden at home. This sister's garden is an hour away on bus! But  the salad was delicious!!! By the way, her son Mauro Loritz served in the Rome Mission at the same time as David and was in Sardegna for about 9 months! David- do you know him??

In other big news, I have a new mission president!!!! Presidente e Sorella Dibb arrived last week. We're sad to see Presidente and Sorella Wolfgramm go, but are excited to have the Dibbs. We'll get to meet them and have interviews next week. 

We were able to get a copy of the Conference Ensign at the last zone conference a couple weeks ago and I love being able to read it. I really loved President Monson's talk from the Priesthood session and am working harder to apply it in my work. 

Vi voglio bene!! Good luck with everything!! And thanks for the letters!
I think you're heading to Europe soon right?

Sorella Pace

Here's me with the Haucks in Cinque Terre!

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